Animal Advocates United
This landing page is a concept for a newly founded non-profit organization that advocates for animal rights and aims to raise awareness about animal welfare issues. The purpose of the website is to serve as an online platform for Animal Advocates United to share their mission, goals, and accomplishments with the public. The website is a hub for resources related to animal welfare, including educational materials, news articles, and ways for the public to get involved and support the organization.
The design for Animal Advocates United's website was to align its mission of promoting animal welfare. The website was created with a user-centric approach, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience for visitors. I focused on creating a visually impactful homepage featuring a captivating hero image that immediately conveyed the organisation's purpose along with its mission statement. The layout was designed to guide users through the site, with clear navigation and prominent call-to-action buttons strategically placed throughout. The What We Do section showcased the organisation's key programs and services, captivating users with compelling imagery and concise descriptions, allowing them to easily navigate and explore the breadth of Animal Advocates United's work. The website also addressed the target audience's need to see results from the organisation’s work. By incorporating the Animals We Saved section the site effectively communicated the organisation's impact and encouraged visitors to become active participants through donations or volunteering.
Website Design